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tv   Early Start With John Berman and Christine Romans  CNN  April 30, 2014 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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a private company claiming they may have found the missing jet liner. is it possible crews have been searching in the wrong place? we are live with the latest. good morning, welcome to "early start." i'm christine romans. >> i'm john berman. it is wednesday, april 30th. it is 5:00 a.m. in the east. we begin with a team leaving it on the court overnight. while you were sleeping, the los angeles clippers, they won game five of the playoff series against the golden state warriors. what a win it was. so important coming just out after the nbas unprecedented decision to ban the team's owner for life. the league telling donald sterling he can't have anything to do with the clippers anymore, no practices or nothing. he must pay $2.5 million fine for the racist comments he made. the league is forcing sterling
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to sell. as for the players and fans, this decision could not come soon you have. stephanie elam was at the game in the middle of the drama at the staples center in los angeles. >> reporter: john and christine, the police department was out in full force before the game because they were afraid there could be a rally or riot. none of that happened. a small demonstration before the game. instead, fans showed up wearing clippers jerseys and wearing their support for the team and denouncing donald sterling. happy to hear he has been banned. before the game, doc rivers spoke. he said now his team can focus on basketball. >> i felt the pressure on my players, you know. everyone was waiting for them to give a response. i kept thinking, they didn't do anything. yet, they have to respond. so, adam responded.
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i thought that was the sigh of relief that we needed. is this over? no, it's not over, but it's the start of a healing process that we need. >> reporter: back here inside, the crowd was electric. they will be by their side as this playoff series continues. john and christine, back to you. >> reporter: the win a few hours ago. it's fresh. let's bring in andy shoals. what was the reaction around the league to adam silver's announcement? >> the decision to ban sterling was met with a thunderous applause around the league. it was a no-brainer. roger mason jr. indicated, all the players were ready to boycott last night's games, all the games if they were not satisfied. the mercury news reported the warriors planned to walk off the court after tip off if silver did not drop the hammer on
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sterling. none of that was necessary. everyone was happy with silver's decision. lebron james tweeted, commissioner silver, thank you for protecting our beautiful and powerful league. great leader. bigger and badder than basketball. magic johnson tweeted former and current nba players are very happy and satisfied with the ruling, adding let's hope the other 29 owners do the right thing. now, one of those owners, mark cuban weighed in after the decision was announced saying i agree 100% with the findings and the actions taken against donald sterling. the ball is now in the owner's court. a 3/4 vote will be required to force sterling to sell the team. commissioner silver expects to get the support he needs to make that happen. >> they have to take that vote. they need three quarters. he did not poll the owners yet. andy, do you have a sense of how big a relief it was for the clippers players last night?
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>> you know, just watching it, it looked like a weight of the world was lifted off their shoulders. game four was a distraction. the fans were fully behind him. the clippers came out on fire. they had extra skip in their step. blake griffin throwing one down earlier in the game, really got the crowd going. the game was close. the clippers were able to pull out the win and cap off an emotional day for the team, coaches, players, everyone, the fans. they lead the series, 3-2 as it shifts back to oakland, 4-6. they really got the momentum back in this series. >> even when the sponsors said they were going to suspend their relationship with the team, they were going to sponsor the players. the advertising was for the players. they want to differentiate between sterling and clippers. thanks, andy. it's going to be another really dangerous day weather
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wise for a big part of the country. heavy rain and flooding expected from the south to the northeast. with more wind, we could see a lot of problems for a lot of people. >> terrible flooding for some people. tornado warnings in part of north carolina. homes and trees torn up by winds. heavy, heavy rain nearby left roads and cars under water. flash flooding forcing police to rescue drivers from vehicles trapped in the water. the death toll in six states stands at 35 over the last two days. 15 of the fatalities in arkansas. today, families are picking through the rubble from the tornadoes and reflecting on how they managed to survive when their homes were leveled. >> five seconds after i come here. the walls did this. we watched the whole thing just
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all around us. >> tennessee, this morning, pledging to rebuild after a powerful ef-3 tornado cause third-degree damage you are looking at. authorities say the tornado was two miles wide. it destroyed an elementary school, a big part of lincoln county does not have power right now. >> all i heard was a loud boom and we went to the window. it was shooting up like a geiser. it pushed a shed into a nearby street a day after three people were killed by a tornado in the northern part of the state. >> look at these pictures from pensacola, roads, parking lots covered in water. looking like lakes and rivers. people inundated there. at least one person drown. police are telling residents, stay home, if you can. whatever you do, stay off the roads.
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we are hearing from a number of people saying the rain is falling relentlessly for a day. indra petersons is here. good morning. >> we are talking inches around mobile and pensacola. you can see the flooding in the region. we are talking rainfall rates as heavy as five inches an hour. that is bad enough in one hour. now, the last 24 hours, you can see the wind coming off the ocean. right around the gulf, we get the warm, humid air. it trains the thunderstorms for perio periods. 24 hours of heavy rain have already seen 11 inches. over eight inches expected. the rain is not in the southeast. it's into the northeast today. heavy rain already falling. looking for totals anywhere from two to five inches. that's one side. we are still talking about the threat of severe weather. 36 million people today south of d.c. down through florida are still looking for the heavy thunderstorms, potentially for
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severe thunderstorms. that is the concern. another thing we are looking at, strong winds out there this morning, justing from 30 to 40-mile-per-hour. that's in play as we go throughout the day as the cold front slowly progresses to the east. you can see that. we are still talking showers for another day or so. good news, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. we are talking about it clearing by the weekend. cool in the northeast. notice behind the warm front, the temperatures are warming. tomorrow, seeing a huge jump into the northeast and temperatures cool behind it. it cools to normal as we go through the weekend. unbelievable. really devastating. >> five inches an hour? >> an hour. >> i have to say, yesterday morning, 24 hours ago, you were saying there's going to be a lot of rain in the southeast. >> more than we thought. >> thanks, indra. now to the possible new lead in the search for flight 370. a private company located
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something in the bay of bengal. they say it looks like a plane. the images are an area thousands of miles from the current search zone and far away from the track authorities say the plane took when it plunged into the ocean. miguel marquez is live in perth, australia. why are authorities so skeptical of this plane? >> reporter: for two reasons, one, not only is it far away from where they are searching, but farther away from the track they initially thought the plane had taken, 1,000 miles from there. the other thing is the way the company is treating its information about the claims. look, it claims to have captured -- anna spoke to the company. we have a little more clarity on what the company is claiming. they received the images that found these different elements in the water in the concentrations that made it look
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like a plane. these images were then analyzed by them. they won't say who that third party was that provided the images. they won't say what the technology is. this is the problem people in the field have, it is technically and physically impossible to detect titanium, aluminum and copper under the water. they believe the plane is between 800 and 1,000 meters down. that is extraordinarily deep. experts in the field say you can't do it under a little bit of water, much less that much water. the company is not willing to allow investigators or other experts to view their technology, but rather, they are saying this is where we believe it is. you malaysia, you australia, go find it for yourself. i think it puts investigators in a difficult position. the malaysians want to take it seriously and look into it. the australians saying, we believe we are on the right track here in the southern
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indian ocean. everything, the data and pings lead us to this location here and they will continue searching in the southern indian ocean. >> miguel marquez live for us in perth, australia. breaking overnight, an inmate execution in oklahoma goes terribly wrong. a prisoner left gasping for air. what happened and what authorities are going to do about it now. a terrifying shooting near atlanta. a fedex employee opens fire. six shot, several in the hospital this morning. what we are learned new about this overnight. man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger. captain: that's unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep.
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which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger. it's how i look at life. especially now that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. i was taking warfarin but wondered, could i focus on something better? my doctor told me about eliquis for three important reasons. one, in a clinical trial eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. and three, unlike warfarin there's no routine blood testing. [ male announcer ] don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis you may bruise more easily
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was supposed to kill him. he was still conscious and talking. >> we began pushing the second and third drugs in the protocol. there was some concern at that time that the drugs were not having the effect so the doctor observed the line and determined the line had blown. >> before they closed the curtain, he said man. >> yes, he had full body upper movement. he was able to lift his head and shoulders from the gurney. he was struggling to talk, but those are the words he got out, man, i'm not and something is wrong. >> oklahoma called off a second execution for at least two weeks as they try to figure out what happened. this morning, people still in the hospital after a fedex employee opened fire near atlanta before turning the gun on himself. police identified the shooter as
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a 19-year-old getty kramer. he had ammunition draped across his chest and looked ready for combat. >> i saw him there, he dropped his knife. he had bullets strapped across his chest. he looked like he was headed into war. >> a couple loud pops. i thought it was noises. didn't think anything of it. somebody was running through saying he's got a gun, he's got a gun, run. that's when we ran. >> he had at least one molotov cocktail with him. he did not use it. prosecutors in colorado say the trial of accused movie theater shooter, james holmes should not be moved to a different venue following a court document calling for the trial to take place far from the theater where 12 were killed. pretrial publicity. prosecutors say it's too early to make the call. they want the judge to hold off
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on the decision before jury selection. >> chilling details in the stabbing death of a connecticut high school student. 16-year-old christopher confessed to stabbing 16-year-old maren sanchez in the school hallway minutes after the killing. students returned to school tuesday saying sanchez refused to go to prom with him. he's being charged as an adult for murder. pregnant women who use narcotics -- misdemeanor charges could be filed against them. women with addiction issues need treatment, not jail time. wisconsin planning to appeal after a federal judge threw out the state's requirement that voters show a photo id at the polls. the judge ruling the requirement puts an unfair burden on
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minorities and the poor. at least one state lawmaker called the ruling politically motivated. global markets in a holding pattern. investigators waiting for information on the u.s. economy. a lot of information coming out. european stocks up slightly. futures point to a lower open. three hours with the first read on how much the u.s. economy grew. economists expect 1.2% growth last quarter. much less than the 2.6% growth rate last year. they are watching to see the fed and what will come out of a two-day policy meeting. they think the fed will slow the stimulus measures and keep on that path. the economy is improving. you were getting the shakes. >> i know. that's right. it's going to be a big day today. you are going to get a better indication of how well the economy is doing. housing news yesterday.
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waiting to see how the spring is shaping up. the 2016 summer olympics will happen in rea dejannero. it's the worst preparations he has ever seen. planning is behind schedule with construction to begin on some venues. water quality is a huge concern. the committee is appointing a task force to get things moving. rio has the world cup and summer olympics. usually it's a good thing. this has been a mess. >> the worst preparation he's ever seen. >> that's not good. the crisis in ukraine escalating. firing guns at police. we are live on the ground with the latest there next. is is jim. a man who doesn't stand still. but jim has afib, atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts jim at a greater risk of stroke.
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clearer skin is possible. happening this morning in ukraine, militants taking control of government buildings, seizing a capitol, firing on police. sanctions against russia are doing nothing to stem the violence there. nick is live in ukraine this morning. nick, it really does seem the crisis there is escalating this morning. >> reporter: well, certainly. just this morning, a town that has been unrest, the police station being seized.
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the chairman of the opposition, the people's republic saying we will move against the people if police are not on our side. to the east of where i'm standing, important to understand the geography here. most of the unrest is happening. a lot of key buildings overtaken, well coordinating. the tv station, fighting near the police station, too. that is very much in the hands of protesters. it's important because it's between where i am and the russian border. a linked up geography of this heading toward russian territory. many wondering what happens next. reports we can't confirm with our own eyes. i spoke to a militant. he says ukraine is moving towards them last night. no signs of injuries at this point. a very tense moment on the ground here. despite ukrainian president
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saying the security forces in the east aren't being loyal enough, there's signs of building up presence here. >> you wonder how long the tension can last before it ignites into a dangerous, dangerous situation. we know about an italian court convicted amanda knox again. there is evidence meredith kircher was killed by more than one assailant and she add knox fought over money earlier. her conviction was overturned in 2011. she is in the u.s. planning an appeal. the owner has been banned for life. the l.a. clippers are riding high. they win an important playoff game hours after donald sterling was told he is not wanted in the nba. breaking down what comes next, after the break. i've quit for 75 days. 15 days, but not in a row.
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an arena jam packed with emotion. the l.a. clippers play late into the night after an historic play from nba leaders themselves banning the team's owner for life for his racist remarks. this morning, what is next for the team? when could a new owner be in place? we'll break it down live. >> severe storms barrel through the southeast. people waking up to neighborhoods destroyed left under water. this is not over yesterday. indra petersons is tracking what you need to know this morning. new questions this morning
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in the search for missing malaysia airlines flight 370 after a company claims they have conducted their own search and found signs of the jet thousands of miles from where investigators are looking. we are live with the very latest. welcome back to "early start," everyone. 5:30 on the dot. i'm john ber man. >> i'm christine romans. the l.a. clippers are moving on and in a big way. winning game five of the playoff series hours after their owner was forced out over racist comments. >> effective immediately, i am banning mr. sterling for life from any association with the clippers organization or the nba. >> the nba commissioner telling donald sterling he must pay the league $2.5 million and can't have anything to do with the team. he can't show up at games anymore. the league moves to force
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sterling to sell the team he's owned since 1981. players fans and the coach calling it the right move. >> this last, you know, three or four days have been very difficult for everybody involved. no matter what the race is, it's been difficult. i felt the pressure on my players, you know. everyone was waiting for them to give a response and, you know, i kept thinking, they didn't do anything. you know? yet, they have to respond. and, so adam responded. and, i thought that was the sigh of relief that we needed. is this over? no, it's not over. but, it's the start of a healing process that we need. >> fans embraced the decision holding signs and pledging support for the players, demanding a new owner.
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entertainment mogul said they are interested in buying the clippers. magic johnson, the subject of one of sterling's rants said he's not trying to buy that team. we have been talking to a lot of experts in sports investment banking. this could be worth upwards of $1 billion. sterling has not commented publicly. we are one saying they support the commissioners decision. >> i want to bring in andy shoals. give us an example of the reaction around the league. so many people glued to the announcement. >> the decision to ban sterling was met with thunderous applause around the league. the vice president, roger mason jr. indicated all the players were ready to boycott all last night's games if they were not satisfied with the punishment. the warriors planned to walk off
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the court after the tip off if silver did not drop the hammer on sterling. of course, that was not needed. everyone was happy with silver's decision. lebron james tweeted commissioner silver, thank you for protecting our beautiful, powerful league. great leader, #leader of basketball. former nba players are happy and satisfied with the ruling, adding now let's hope the other 29 owners do the right thing. one of the owners, mark cuban weighed in saying i agree 100% with the findings and the actions taken against donald sterling. the ball is in the owner's court. a vote is required to force sterling to sell the team. commissioner silver says he expects to get the support needed to make it happen. >> how is that for the clipper's players? >> it looked like the weight of the world was lifted off their
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shoulders. clearly a distraction for them. last night, the smiles were back. the fans were pulling behind them. blake griffin pulling down the tomahawk and getting the crowd into the game. it looked like the whole team had an extra skip in their step. the clippers were able to pull out the win and cap off what was certainly a very, very emotional day. they lead the series, 3-2 as it shifts back to open for game six. the thunder lost to the grizzlies in overtime. the spurs are struggling. the clippers are playing the best basketball in the western conference and could go to the nba finals. that would be impressive considering what they are gone through. >> there's thrilling basketball happening now. hopefully we can focus on that. andy, great to see you this morning, appreciate it. the other story developing overnight, dangerous weather hitting a huge part of the country, really, right now, with heavy rain, torrential rain set
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to fall on millions of people from the gulf coast to new england. a tornado touched down in stedman, east of fayetteville. there could be a lot more rain and wind today. this is not over. after many cars and roads were left under water by flash flooding, police had to move in to rescue some from their cars. >> 35 people dead in six other states, including arkansas where 15 people were killed. families searching through what's left of their homes and remembering what it was like when the tornadoes hit. >> five seconds after i come here that the walls did this. we watched the whole thing all around us. >> the same story in southern tennessee. authorities blame an ef-3 tornado for this damage and the deaths of two people southwest of nashville. that twister destroyed an
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elementary school. it ripped apart homes and businesses and left thousands without power this morning. >> all i heard was a loud boom. we went to the window. it was shooting up like a gieser. >> heavy rain caused the ground to drop creating a sinkhole you are looking at. the water moved a shed, moved it on a street nearby. this is a day after a tornado left three people dead. >> pensacola under water. take a look. torrential rains leaving roads like rivers. police are pleading for people to stay home this morning. pleading with them, do not try to drive in that water in pensacola this morning. that danger is there this morning. indra petersons is here with the forecast and what you need to know. >> you read my mind, turn around, don't drown. six inches of water is all it takes. two feet of water can carry away
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a large suv. take a look at what's going on. seems like the rain never ends because the system tries to make its way to the east. the clouds are forming off the gulf. this is a six-hour loop. some are seeing five inches of rain in an hour. now, take a look at the 24 hour loop here. the moisture does not stop forming off the gulf. the wind is coming off the gulf. that's all it needs. it allows the thunderstorms to stay in place. it's spreading in the northeast. we are seeing the rain there. some of the heavier rain slots, over eight inches. we talked pensacola and mobile receiving 11 inches, maybe more. that's one side of the equation. the other is severe weather. we are talking slight risk south of d.c. down through florida. that means severe thunderstorms. especially as we go through the afternoon.
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another thing adding to the equation, strong winds. travel delays could be out there. lasting through the afternoon. the system has been here so long slowly tries to exit offshore. it will eventually do so by the weekend. temperature wise, cold in the northeast. you can see the temperatures pop up. tomorrow, warm, more rain and clearing out and backing off for the weekend. turn around, don't drown, i can't say it enough. do not try to drive-through it. >> thanks. another story we are following this morning. officials in australia are dismissing the claim that a private company says they may have spotted malaysia airlines flight 370 deep below the bay of bengal. it's thousands of miles near the search zone where satellite indicates the plane went down. we are live in perth, australia this morning. miguel, officials are skeptical to say the leith. >> reporter: to say the least.
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anna spoke to the company called geo resonance. we have a better idea what they are claiming. they did not capture the satellite by image or plane, they were provided to them by a third party. it was the processing that came up with the images they provided to the media, images of titanium picked up, alum numb and different elements picked up, they claim 800 to 1,000 meters beneath the surface of the ocean. experts say it's not possible. they don't know of technology that can do that. the company is saying this is proprietary technology developed during the soviet era and they don't want to let anybody, investigators, other experts in the field, they don't want to open the door to anyone seeing their technology.
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the only thing they will say is we believe the plane is in this position here. you go find it. the australians believe they are searching in the right place. malaysia is open to looking at it. it's going to be really, really tough. >> they are stretched thin already. the bluefin is not in the water today with the water conditions too severe. great to see you this morning. inmate executions halted after a prisoner was left alive and shaking nearly 40 minutes after he should have died. what went wrong? after the break. so he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. and when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings? and that's how you'll increase market share. any questions? can i get an "a", steve? yes! three a's! amazing sales! he brings his a-game! la quinta inns and suites is ready for you,
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breaking overnight in oklahoma, new calls for a new approach to executions after a lethal injection went very, very wrong. he died of a heart attack 40 min its after being injected with the drug cocktail that was supposed to kill him. witnesses say he was talking for
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some time after the injection and he was conscious. >> we began pushing the second and third drugs in the protocol. there was some concern at that time that the drugs were not having the effect so the doctor observed the line and determined that the line had blown. >> before they closed the curtain, he said, man. >> yes, he had full body upper movement. he was able to lift his head and shoulders from the gurney. >> struggling to talk, but those were the words he got out, man, i'm not and something's wrong. >> oklahoma called off a second execution for at least two weeks as it reviews its procedures. investigators trying to figure out a motive behind a shooting near atlanta. the gunman shot six people before turning on himself. he was armed like a soldier with ammunition draped across his
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chest. >> i saw him standing there and the knife was on the ground. he dropped his knife. he had bullets strapped across his chest. he looked like he is heading into war. as soon as i saw him, i ran the other way. >> a couple loud pops. i thought it was noises. didn't think anything of it. somebody ran through saying he's got a gun, he's got a gun, run. that's when we ran. >> he had at least one molotov cocktail, which he did not use. four victims remain in the hospital, one in critical condition. a new law in tennessee could land pregnant women who use drugs in jail. the governor signed the law that makes it a misdemeanor if she uses illegal drug that is cause harm the unborn child. critics say women with issues theet treatment, not jail time. a judge says no to having to show id at polls. it puts an unfair burden on minorities and the poor.
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they must seek approval on changes to the law. one calling it politically motivated. stocks are lower right now, the ceo of td ameritrade getting attention. a book did not scare investors out of the stock market. the online brokerage where americans trade stocks saw a record number of people trading. there's a surge of mom and pop investors getting into the stock market. americans are borrowing money to get into stocks. >> it's not a good sign, occasionally. >> borrowing to buy stocks sometimes makes them, sometimes it doesn't. >> only if you can afford it. all right, let's take a look alt what's coming up on new day. chris cuomo. >> only if you can afford to
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lose it is what you mean. you are gambling. some people want it to seem like the stock market is fair. on new day, we are not taking that topic. there's a lot to talk about this morning. the new theory on flight 370. the headlines are taking us to the room you are looking at right now. a botched execution in oklahoma. it went terribly wrong. we are going to spare you the details, but what do they do next? how did they get it wrong? what is the debate about? do we want the death penalty, as long as it's nice? also, the nba banned the owner of the l.a. clippers for life. will donald sterling go quietly or fight it off? will the league be able to come up with the votes from the owners? we have reaction from the stars. nba greats will be here. we have isaiah thomas. a great discussion to have and
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see if the penalty can stick. >> did you gamble in that? >> yes, i do. i have been forced to play the game for the security of my children's future. i feel there are inequities. money often wins over morality. money often wins over morality. stk motto of "new day." >> i feel there's a lesson in there. >> some people like to forward the game, others like to fight it. >> chris cuomo giving me a lot to think about this morning. >> what is in that coffee. >> all right. happening now, gunfire in the streets of ukraine. pro-russian demonstrators. we are live with the latest, next. man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there.
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instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger. captain: that's unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep. which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger. [ male announcer ] that's why there's ocuvite to help replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. ocuvite. help protect your eye health. mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition in charge™.
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new developments to tell you about this morning in ukraine.
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prorussian militants are in control of another part of that country after seizing a capitol and taking over other governorment buildings. police did little to stop them. nick, what is the latest you are hearing? >> reporter: well, this morning, according to the chairman, the opposition of the people's republic are controlling a lot of towns. they took another police station over in another town saying if the police are not with us, they are enemies and we'll do operations like this. that comes off yesterday's significant move when a coordinated number moved to the building. it's a separate region from where i'm standing now. the capitol where the minister building was taken over, tv station and a police station, apparently, shooting reported outside of that. tense scenes from a town that
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had by passed a lot of turmoil until this point. between here and the russian border is this city. it is connected with russia. many worried about what comes next. european sanctions making little difference on the ground. it's laughed off the fact he's on the european limits he says i don't have money at all. >> thanks for being with us. >> it seems to offer everything else. walmart from strollers to guns to a flu shot. why not insurance? walmart's new partnership in money time, next. ♪ [ banker ] sydney needed some financial guidance so she could take her dream to the next level. so we talked about her options. her valuable assets were staying. and selling her car wouldn't fly. we helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams
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serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. take the next step. talk to your doctor. this is humira at work. [dog] larrwanna play?arry? [announcer] a healthy dog is a playful dog. [dog] let's do this larry! [announcer] help him keep those muscles while he loses a few pounds with beneful healthy weight. made with wholesome rice,real chicken,soy, even accents of vitamin rich veggies. it's calorie smart and tastes so good. beneful healthy weight from purina.
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what is this place? where are we? this is where we bring together reliably fast internet and the best in entertainment. we call it the x1 entertainment operating system. it looks like the future! we must have encountered a temporal vortex. further analytics are necessary. beam us up. ♪ that's my phone. hey. [ female announcer ] the x1 entertainment operating system. only from xfinity. tv and internet together like never before. welcome back to "early start." it's money time. stocks rose yesterday. futures lower right now. big day ahead for money news. we are going to learn how much the u.s. economy grew in the first quarter. likely much less robust than the first quarter. the economy is improving.
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this is after an important read on housing that shows the recovery in housing cooling. home prices are up 13%. first time home buyers are having a hard time finding homes for sale. walmart getting into the auto insurance business. let's them get rates. they are not selling directly, but they are promoting it. if you live in any of these states, you have seen the rollout. it's nationwide in the coming months. twitter is the stock to watch today. wall street ruled it a fail. twitter is gaining users. now 255 million people on the site. it's not gaining fast enough or growing fast enough and it's losing money. $130 million last quarter. the stock is down 9% after the close yesterday. so, watch that and expect it to be a rough trading day today.
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>> real, real issues, it seems. >> the social media companies had a crazy year. >> huge profits, twitter investors can't crack the code with advertising. >> that is the conundrum. >> thank you for >> there was some concern at that time that the drugs were not having the affect. >> breaking overnight, an oklahoma execution goes terribly wrong. tin ma the inmate convulsing. all executions in the state halled as there's new debate about the death penalty. the clippers battle to a victory late last night. team owner suspended for life in the nba. players and fans cheering the call, but will he give up the team? new details this morning. the new theory that everybody is talking about.
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we're going to take you inside the company that says it may have found the wreckage of flight 370. it's not where everybody is looking. >> your "new day" starts right >> your "new day" starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- good morning. welcome to "new day." it's wednesday, april 30th. 6:00 in the east. oklahoma tries a new drug cocktail to kill an inmate but he winds up clenching his teeth on the table. the state of oklahoma delayed a second planned execution and now there's debate about whether the death penalty is okay. the man you're looking a, 38-year-old, clayton lock get did apparently died of a heart attack more than 40 minutes after he was injected. state officials blame, a quote, vein failure. pamela brown is in washington with the latest. good morning. >> good morning. the inmate who died h


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